Thursday, December 17, 2015

Terribly behind this year..........

Since I've completely neglected my blog this year, I wouldn't  be surprised to find that all of you have assumed I've dropped off the face of the earth.  But alas, this is not the case (no moans from the peanut gallery)  as I have only been so completely overwhelmed by life's events that I've found it hard to keep up my Facebook page AND the blog.  I'm hoping that I can pull myself out of this rut and exhaustive carousel of events to keep this blog more current in the coming months.

First things first........

I'd like you to join me in welcoming our new daughter to our family!!!!  We simply adore this lovely young lady, so it was a day filled with joy  for all of us.
Shelby and Tyler were married on October 31st on our farm and the weather did it's best to throw a monkey wrench into our plans, despite the wind, chilly temps and the rain we managed to make it all work by moving the ceremony into the tent.  There were approximately 150 people that attended the ceremony and we had just enough tent space for everyone to squeeze in for the ceremony and the reception.  Tyler had planned a surprise for Mike during the ceremony by changing his last name to Bartels and having my dad (who performed the ceremony) announce them as Mr & Mrs. Tyler Bartels!!  There wasn't a dry eye in that place, Mike was completely blown away and he was crying with joy.  Tyler felt that he wanted to honor Mike for being a dad to him all these years and so the surprise was planned for the end of the ceremony.  
Mike was and is a father to Tyler in every sense of the word, he's always there for him and has never treated him as anything but his son.  I am proud to have raised a son that would do something so special for someone he loves.  We were all overwhelmed..........

Mike's face right after he heard them pronounce Tyler and Shelby Mr. & Mrs. Bartels

Tyler and words needed here. 
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Bartels 
I could not have picked a girl more perfect for my son than Shelby, she's kind, but tough and she values the things in life that are important---family and friends.  

Love and Light to each of you!!!


  1. Oh Kelly, I knew about the wedding but the name change? What a day of complete love!!!

  2. Happy New year old bean , hoping 2016 will be a cracker xxxxxxx


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....