Last Saturday I transported one of my ram lambs on the first leg of his journey to the UP to his new home with Barb Reiter's flock. My dear friend, Terry, agreed to drive from Princeton, IL the night before, stay over night and then go on my trip the following day. You see, Terry is a quilter, a very good quilter and I have bullied her into making me a queen sized quilt. I am going to give her some of my wool batts to use instead of man-made fiber fill batting, so it will extra special. You can see Terry's works of art at
Quilt Crazie.
So the story goes......
Pearl Jam, my little polled ram, took a trip to Beaver Dam (Dr Suess, eat your heart out) We arrived at the Beaver Dam McDonald's, our predetermined meeting place and met, Sandy, another animal lover and fellow Shetland breeder. Sandy had made arrangements with Barb to meet the following week and she was to get a ram from Barb and deliver my ram.
This picture of Pearl Jam and I was stolen from Terry's blog and was taken in the parking lot of McDonald's, Beaver Dam, WI. I have no idea what the people at these meeting places think of us and our transferring of sheep from car to car (SUV, Truck or Van) We sure get some goofy looks. |
Sandy mentioned that she had arrived a little early and decided to attend a little Bantam and Pigeon show just 2 miles down the road. Well......nooooowwww, she had my attention and I had her promptly show me to her car and the carrier containing her new acquisitions. She had the nicest little group of bantams and among them were my favs, little Partridge Cochin Bantams. Ok, that did it, we were headed to the show, because you can't go home with an empty crate......right? Terry just laughed at me and shook her head.
We raced to the fairgrounds, located the show, located the chickens, then the owner and I picked out 3 pullets and we loaded them in the Malibu and hit the road.
My new "Spice Girls" |
I sure hope she doesn't expect us to sing. |
Terry was sufficiently impressed with how quickly that all took place, but I knew what I wanted and we HAD to get to
JJ Stitches in Sun Praire to get my fabric for my quilt!!! This quilt shop specializes in Civil War reproduction fabrics and I loved it there. The gal that runs the shop was invaluable in getting the colors and tones just right and when she was done laying all the shades of dark blue together, I didn't change a single one.