I bet a large share of you were wondering, "Where is Kelly and why is she ignoring us?" Don't worry, I have not forgotten about all of you, but the show chair job seemed to consume a considerable amount of time this year along with some other obligations that made my summer fly by too quickly.
We had another great year at the Wi Sheep and Wool Festival and everyone involved in the show made the show successful and fun. Thanks to all the people that volunteered and brought sheep, fleeces, handmade items or skeins of yarn to exhibit.
Silent Auction table....everyone's generosity is overwhelming |
Please follow us to the MSSBA fleece show..........(Thanks to Garrett for taking over the fleece show this year) |
We proudly welcomed Mary Gibbings, Somerset England, as our fleece judge this year. Mary did a spectacular job of judging approx. 40 Shetland fleeces for us.
Karen Valley got Champion Fleece with a white ewe lamb fleece |
| |
I got Champion Rooed Fleece w/ a white fleece from Sheltering Pines Catherine (9 yr old ewe) |
I won this lovely "Best Rooed Fleece" award donated by Maurice and Gilly Wakeling, they were our Sheep and Fleece judges in 2013 and generously donated funds to sposnor this award. I'm so thrilled to be the first recipient of this trophy.
Theresa Gygi got Res. Champion fleece w/ a colored fleece |
Mary giving a fleece some serious consideration and Kim Nikolai lending a hand for this year! (Thanks Kim) |
Philip is going to kick my butt for this photo being circulated, but it was too cute to not share it.....EVERYWHERE!!!
Allow me to introduce our 2014 SSS Judge/Inspector.....(drum roll please) Philip Cowen, Durham County England.
Amy on the left and Philip on the right. (big, big grin) |
And here Philip is looking a bit more sophisticated judging the youth showmanship class. |
Here is my amazing, super hero husband showing Elvis in the Senior ram class. |
Clayton (in foreground) showing Danby in the Best Spotted, Colored or Modified class. The winner (our OK Acres Danby) received a lovely multi-year award sponsored by FFSSA in the memory of Sue Russo and all her years of dedication and contributions to the Shetland sheep breed. |
Philip in center holding the Sue Russo Memorial Trophy, Mike (Super hero to Kelly) on the left, OK Acres Danby in the center and me on the right. (Yes, I was pretty frazzled at this point- and looking it!!!) | |
Tiree thinks she's a Lipizzaner Stallion performing "Airs above the Ground" here. She was walking so nice at home and when we got to the show, she was less than impressed with the process of standing quietly. Cute as it may be here, it's horribly embarrassing in front of the judge, fellow exhibitors and the audience. I have no clue how she won 1st place in her class. Maybe her acrobatic skills impressed the judge and swayed his choice. (grin) |
No, I didn't purposely flip her over for the judge to see her from all angles...........I was livid. Never again!!!! (notice Philip is laughing at me-and can you blame him? ) |
Both the the photos above will need a bit of explanation.........
THIS is what happens when you decide to bring a ewe lamb to the show at the last minute and think she's leading quite well at home after only a week of gentling her. Ummm, NOT.
This year's big winners are shown below.............
Sydell generously donated a trimming stand to this year's Supreme Champion!!! I was blown away by their donation when I was called over to pick it up!
Theresa Gygi with her Champion Ram/Supreme Champion, Under The Son Stilton |
Meghan Namaste and Karen Valley with their Champion Ewe/Res. Supreme Champion, Wintertime Alanis |
Lori Stephenson and her Granddaughter Campbell with Res. Champion ram, Sommarang Lief |
I will do a post of some fun photos in another post, this one has become very picture heavy and I better cease and desist. :)
Congrats to all the winners of this year's show.