Monday, October 04, 2010

Welcome Meadow and Bailey........

I've been trying to get down to Julian Budde's place all summer to get the ewe lamb that I had reserved and Saturday, I finally made it there.  As I predicted, I had a wonderful time visiting with Juliann and looking at all her wonderful sheep.  She's really got a nice herd of sheep and I think she should be very proud of all her hard work.  A big thanks to my hubby for always dragging my butt around to pick up all the sheep I decided I can't live without and then standing around patiently while I gab endlessly about Shetlands.
So, without further delay, let me introduce Lil'Country Meadow and Lil' Country Bailey,

Lil' Country Bailey 2010 Fawn Katmoget Ewe 

Bailey's butt on the left and Meadow's on the right

Front shot of Meadow

Lil' Country Meadow
Thank you Juliann for allowing me the opportunity to add these two great sheep to my flock.  I know I only drove to get one, but that's a long way for ONE SHEEP!  


  1. I had a great time too. Bailey and Meadow were eating grain from my hand tonight and I was thrilled they took such a big step in such a short period of time. Who knows, maybe you will end up with a Meadow baby again. lol

  2. Very happy to see Meadow went to a polled breeding home instead of being used for crossbreeding. They both look like they are settling in nicely and you have a wonderful ewe flock to work with now. Bet you'll enjoy setting up your breeding groups.

  3. I'm going to put both of them with Bug! Can't wait to see what I get from the pairings.


He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....