Got a load of nice hay from the neighbor last night. So, off to the shed with me after work and supper to help unload it. I used to be able to handle several wagons an evening, but those days are OVER! I feel like I got ran over by a truck today, old age is rearing it's ugly head today. If I insist on having horses, llamas, sheep, and other assorted critters, then I have to expect there to be work involved.
Once we got the hay unloaded, it was time to get the new chickens out of their temporary cage. The big coop would be the perfect place, but I know the older hens would pick on them, so they are going to be making their home in my large rabbit cage for a few weeks until they can be introduced into the large coop. Since the angora rabbits have fallen in love with the little coop and it's very grassy outside pen, I just didn't have the heart to kick them out for 3 chickens.
All the "boys" continue to get along extremely well, it's like they have always been pasture pals. I know that will all change come fall and breeding time, I have no illusions about that at all.
Does anyone need a really nice black ram? Not a white hair on him anywhere, out of Lil Country Velma, carries polled, but it horned and has a lovely, dense, crimpy fleece. I actually have two rams from her this year, and both of them are listed on my NASSA page of sheep that I own. OK Acres Vaughan and OK Acres Vincent. I also have a scurred moorit ram out of Sheltering Pines Aster. Not registered yet, but you can find Aster's pedigree on my page also. Flock 1774. Sire is OK Acres Murdock.
Just finishing my 3rd helmet liner that will be sent to the troops this fall, then back to my very challenging key hole scarf project. This is being knit from some lovely hand dyed, blue/purple/gray merino blend and some lt. gray alpaca for the contrast color.
Getting some relief from the oppressive heat and it looks like it might rain, crossing my fingers that we get a little moisture, things are starting to brown a bit.
TaTa for now
Moorit ram for sale out of Sheltering Pines Astser
Not the best shot in the world, but it's the only one I've gotten of him since he was a lamb.
The black boys in the center of this mess are for sale, this is a horrible picture of them, will try to get some better ones tonight. There was a complete lack of cooperation on their part during the picture taking session!
Proudly raising Purebred Registered Shetland Sheep with the belief that Animals and people deserve respect and love in equal measure
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Mike and I

Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding
Raised beds & chickens coops

Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....
I really like reading this post and I am very happy that you posted it on this blog...