Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So here's the deal.....I go to my shed and what do I find?  Another kitten that has no mother in sight.  I waited until the next day, just to be sure she wasn't coming back for the poor thing, and sure enough, no mother!!! 
I seriously thought I was done with baby animals this year, but apparently I was mistaken, AGAIN. 
I have this very cute, 3 week old, long-haired tiger kitten that needs to be bottle fed and then I have to find it a home, as I've got a full house here.
The guys at work have nicknamed me Ellie Mae, I can't imagine where they got that. 
Kathy brought me 2 angora bunnies on Sunday evening, and they are exceptionally tame thanks to her.  You can open the door to the little coop and they just hop up to you to say hi.  We have to do some serious remodeling to the rabbit hutch, so they are taking up temporary residence in the little chicken. I opened up the little door to the chicken run that we had seeded with new grass and they are in bunny heaven. 
Now to get the alpacas home and settled in with everyone.  I'm a little concerned that our female llama, Dolly, (yes, that's Dolly Llama, I'm not responsible for that name) will be less than cordial to our new 4 legged arrivals, but she may surprise me too. 
We had our 7th annual Wine Tasting fund raiser for the Davis Welding Relay for Life team and it was a huge success.  We had approx. 70 guests this year, which is a full house for us, and the usual array of great food and wine.  Thanks to all for their generosity to help raise money for cancer research, one day we will win this fight. 
Sunday was hot, but that was easily rectified by getting out the bike and taking an afternoon trip to Sauk Prairie with Jim, Rhonda, Nick, Emily, Mucket and Terri.  Had a great time and found some nice goodies at the HD dealer in Sauk. 
So, far the beginning of the week has been uneventful, and I'm perfectly ok with that...gotta run some errands after work and then home for the night, maybe work more on my knitted afgan or maybe read my book.  Decisions, decisions...
Toodles for now.

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He who angers you, controls you.

And my favorite.......You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your reaction.

Mike and I

Mike and I
Mike and I at Nick and Emily's wedding

Raised beds & chickens coops

Raised beds & chickens coops
Can't wait for this stuff to actually be food....